sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011

Pwng surrender in less than 30mins!

Again FrostRage team gathered to do some more killings, today, they didn't even tried to beat us... after some killing between lanes, junglings and gankings. Nunu against Annie in top lane, Trynda and Shyvana in bot lane agains Jaxkass and Xin Zhao.
Key words again is teamwork. Gank as much as we can, let trynda jungle after we all get our ultis and push lanes. But we didn't even needed that today. After we plomped Jax and Annie they just gave up, we didn't even destroy one of their towers...
 Why do people just give up?

Now some graphs of what we did, there wasn't much fun this time, cause we couldn't pwn them more (Q.Q).

Hopefully we will gave more sufering to give next time :D

Champs played:
Tryndamere - Unwelcome69
Shyvana - ShuyinXI
Nunu - Zadista

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

1st Win of the Day and some friends in fun Domination!

Ladys, Gents and Champs, 1st win of the day in Dominion with our portuguese friends, Kanbei and Kurokage;
It was a pretty interesting battle, with some complains of lag, and some eating dust while others were bombing and stunning the other champs. I can say it was a close call, but only in the last 4mins of the game.
Blitzcrank was a manace, pulling people to the turrets. Poppy was nice killing after she was mitigating us agaisnt walls.

As Leona point of view, she can preatty much say, that she loved dominion. Tanky and spanky as they say. Leona is preatty nice to stun guys that are running away from the mob of her allies(they simply rip them apart if I can stop the enemy from running, AMAZING SHEAT!). STUN FTW.

It was interesting seeing Pantheon's ulti incoming while Leona used her ulti in the champ that tried to run from it. (Instant kill!)

Our Poppy, little thing, but deathly goddess. Don't mess with the dwarve!!!!!

Gangplank awesome ulti to stop enemies from taking cap and for speeding buff in the beginning for a 3 Capped turrets.

Nocturn, lifestealer, night-vision! Guys, try to get a flash bomb when he's arround, it will help you to see him coming, at least that way you can know what was the reason of your death.

Steady fight, fun game and premade FTW. Portuguese party rules!

Played Champs:
Poppy - Kanbei
Nocturn - Kurokage
Pantheon - Unwelcome
Gangplank - Shuyin
Leona - Zadista

Defeat when we tried switching champs!

Sad but not ashamed, we lost one when we tried to switch roles. Meaning: Unwelcome went with Ashe and Shuyin with Trynd. Even if we lost, we can say that as 1st timers in those champs, things weren't as bad as Nunu thought they would be.
Good gankings at the beginning but after Jax started being feed and Graves too, things had a big turn about. Tryn just needs some more battles and Ashe needs to keep the good work up. Nunu sometimes is too confident and thinks hi's unbeatable, and jumps into the fray when he should run.
Nothing too hard to solve, but we had some fun with the killings we did.

Enemies Question: "Are you guys premade?"
Our response: "........."
Enemies reaction to our answer:"??????????????"

Idea: Don't talk with Jaxkasses, freeze or make Warweaks gay for you.

Quotte:"Don't understimate your enemie!"

Played Champs:
Unwelcome69 - Ashe;
ShuyinXI - Tryndamere;
Zadista - Nunu;

Official Creation of Team FrostRage

Happy and giddy we, FrostRage, a Team from League of Legends, officially announce that we were created after we completly owned another party of two 6300ips Champions with our "unskilled" Champions, as they said.
Quoting Xerath's :"Just because you have champs not skilled, does it mean you are good?"

We used the following Champs:
Tryndamere - Unwelcome69;
Ashe - ShuyinXI;
Nunu - Zadista.

Hopefully we will continue to own more guys that think pricy champs are the best and we show them that teamwork is better than IP waste. (Guys, just learn how to play with 450IP champs, they are awesome!!!!!!!).